Interesting Report on Online Poker (go back »)

November 22 2009, 3:31 AM

A report on online poker was authorized and ordered by the Florida state legislature this past sping. This report has been completed. It contains a detailed summation of the legal status of online poker on the international, federal and state level, from the government viewpoint.  Everyone should read this report to understand how our lawmakers, both federal and state, view the legal status of online poker (and online gambling).  This report is expected to play a very important role in how legislators on both the federal and states level proceed.

Interesting Excerpts:

Poker is played, legally and illegally, in Florida every day. Legal forms of poker include penny-ante games played by individuals in private homes and authorized games played in regulated cardrooms located in pari-mutuel facilities. Illegal poker includes Internet games and those that occur in sports bars or other venues where unlicensed operators offer poker games.

In the United States, the Department of Justice interprets federal statutes to prohibit all forms of Internet gambling; however, the department’s interpretation relies upon some federal laws that predate the Internet. Florida law does not specifically address Internet poker or other forms of online gambling.

The Nevada Legislature passed legislation in 2001 allowing its gaming commission to adopt regulations governing the licensing and operation of Internet gaming. In 2002, the U.S. Department of Justice advised Nevada that federal law prohibits gambling over the Internet. More recently, the North Dakota Legislature considered bills in 2005 to regulate, license, and tax Internet poker. The state Senate rejected the bill after receipt of a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice indicating that federal law prohibits Internet gambling.

Link to Actual Report

Link to 2+2 Thread Discussion

In Online Poker News


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